Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bring on the sunshine!!

Hola everyone!!
As most of you know, I am all packed up (well, I will be soon...) and I'm heading to Costa Rica! I'll be studying in San Jose for 4 months, living with a family and taking classes. Mid-May when my program ends, my parents and sister are 100%, definately, without a doubt coming to visit me, and then I decided to stay for an extra 2 months and backpack around Central America! For everyone who wants to join me on my travels (and that should be everyone reading this because you all love me and flights are reeallly cheap so no excuses), the plan is to head up to Mexico or more likely, Guatemala, and then spend June and July making my way down to Peru, where I fly home from July 29th. So pick a country that you like (Honduras, Nicaragua (sorry mom), Panama, El Salvador, Belize, or Guatemala), and I'll make sure to get there.
I have to keep this blog for school, so you will be getting very regular updates from me, whether you like it or not. Once I get there safely on Monday, I can let you all know my address, where I expect packages and mail daily. My skype name is rklein108, so GET SKYPE if you dont have it, add me, and you won't even know that I'm gone.
For those of you who have been to Costa Rica or cental america, keep sending suggestions and tips.
I'm super excited but I will miss you all! So please keep in touch!
The next post will be from my new home, in the sunshine! But enjoy the snow in NY and Boston...I do feel really bad for you all :)

Besos, abrazos, y mucho amor!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel! te extrano chicita! i am still seeing if there is a way i can sneak on a plane/train/boat/burro and come visit! have an amazing time!
