Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Its only 30 degrees here too! (Just...celcius)

I feel like I begin most of my posts commenting on the date...but can you believe that its already March?! Ay dios, how did that happen?

SO. Me? I´m very happy. I am currently on the last day of my vacation, spent in Cuenca, which is about 10 hours from where I live. It is a beautiful colonial city, declared a UNESCO world heritage site a few years ago...and for good reason. Every building is old and gorgeous, the architecture is incredible, and there is a church on practically every street. Most are centered around parks, filled with trees, flowers, running children, couples of every age, and a fair amount of gringos and ex-pats who have settled here or are passing though. It feels clean, safe, and ahead of the game for Latin America...there seem to be a fair amount of ecofriendly programs, as well as public assistance, social welfare-y type of programs. I was very impressed, and have spent many hours wandering around in the sunshine, reading in parks, sitting near the river (oh yeah, its so clean that the water is actually potable here! yay tap water), and generally enjoying NOT being surrounded by children all the time.
For some awesome pictures, google ¨cuenca.¨

There is no such thing as traveling alone, as all backpackers will understand. I immediately met Natalia, one of my favorite finds of my time here, and she then introduced me to one of her new friends. The three of us...a blend of Russian, French, and American, all speaking Spanish as a common language, headed off to Parque Nacional Cajas early Saturday morning. It is absolutely beautiful, and we got there super early and didnt see another soul (this may also be because we didnt have a guide and totally strayed off the path...oops...but it made for some awesome exploring and climbing and playing).
Google ¨cajas national park¨ for pretty pictures.

I was really really ready for this vacation. Yes, I am living abroad, which sounds very romantic and exotic, and yes, on weekends I often stray to nearby towns....but in all honesty, I do work very hard, my job is not easy. I really enjoy it, dont get me wrong, but in 6 months I had not taken off a single day of work when there were classes...and if you remember, the one time that classes were cancelled and we went to the beach, I had food poisining. December and January were two of the most stressful months I have ever experienced...again, I learned a lot and I came out stronger...but lets just say that I was ready to take off for a while. People (hi family) tend to laugh at my seemingly ¨stressful¨ time...after all, I work monday through friday, like the rest of the world, and im still experiencing a new country...so i cant really be working all that hard, right? wrong. I challange anyone who is laughing right now to come out here for one month and try it out.


I got into grad school!!! yay me. Boston University is looking like it will be my new home, starting in September. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I may actually be coming home! I´m super conflicted, I would love to travel more and take my time, I dont see the need to jump back into work, school, loans, snow, etc...but I think that it is the best choice. So I should be home sometime in the middle of the summer! Nothing is for sure (welcome to my life, I dont think anyone is surprised by that statement), but I´ll keep everyone posted.
Its funny though...upon arriving here in Cuenca, within 48 hours I had found an apartment ($70 a month in the center of town!! compare THAT to rent in Boston!), a job, a place to do volunteer work, and made some awesome new friends. Its amazing how easily I could just set up a life here, or anywhere, if I chose to do so. It was a nice feeling (and tempting to accept! or to come back!)

We got a photocopier in the house, one of the more exciting things to happen to me (sad? perhaps. but i make no apologies!) This will save us literlly hours of handwriting worksheets for the kids, and make my life so much easier. hurray technology!)

Not too much else to report--lots on my mind, decisions to be made, flights home to be booked, planning to do...but all good things. I head back home tonight on a late bus, and its back to teaching on Thursday. Carnaval starts this weekend, but unfortunately I have to work. Jessie and I are hosting THIRTY ONE people in our house, as a sort of fundraiser for the organization. We have to cook and clean for them, and we are terrified. No, our house is not anywhere near equipped for that many people...we have to sleep in the kitchen (or garden, its still to be decided) so they have more beds. soooo I will let everyone know how the Arajuno Jungle Lodge works out...

and hey! contact me if:
you want to travel in colombia in june
you want to hang out on the east coast later on this summer
you need a roommate in brighton or allston or anywhere near BU starting in August or September.


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