Monday, June 16, 2014

Bali Bound

One day late on the blog (even with the time difference), but good morning and happy Father's Day dad!! I love you so much. And hey, I can bring you coffee in bed SO SOON!

When I first arrived to Bali, I was not immediately impressed. I started out in Kuta, the main backpacker zone and very close to the airport. I knew that it wasn't one of the nicest places, but I figured Bali is Bali, right? And it was really convenient since I was landing late. I found it to be frenetic, hassle-filled, crazy touristy...and the beach looked more like the jersey shore than paradise.
I'm aware that I'm spoiled though, and I still had a nice time.

My first morning in Bali I ran into an irish girl I had met in Malaysia; we were at the same hostel. This happens all the time on my travels! Such serendipity. (We've since done basically all of Indonesia together these past 2 weeks). I spent the day on the beach with her and the other girls from our dorm. I tried and failed miserably to surf, since Bali has world class surfing. I was wayyyyy too optimistic about my skills, and figured that since almost 5 years ago I stood up a few times on small waves, I didn't need a lesson. Major oops. I spent about an hour getting knocked around by massive waves, then returned my board with my tail between my legs. Ah well, at least I gave it a go. And once the sun came out later on, the beach looked much more beautiful. Capped off with an icy beer watching another spectacular sunset, I'd call the day a success.

Next was Ubud, a few hours away. I fell in love before getting out of the van; I want to live here. This may be the spot where Elizabeth Gilbert came in Eat, Pray, Love, and I can totally see why. It's a little hippie town, geared to yoga, health food stores, retreats, new age-y crap, countless stores with flowy dresses, and many retired expats. Very relaxed and welcoming vibe, cute little guesthouses dotting the narrow roads, Hindu temples, a monkey forest--and all set among hills and bright green rice fields. It was the kind of place I'd have gotten stuck in earlier in my trip. One of my favorite places for sure.

I spent a day walking through the stunning fields, stopping at villages and art shops along the way. Lovely day out in nature, the views were incredible, I found multiple dream houses...can you tell that I loved Ubud?!

Unfortunately that was all the time I had for Bali, and I know I didn't do it justice. There is SO much to see. Indonesia is maybe the first place where I really feel that I need to come back to, since I'm skipping so much on my wish list. So I'll definitely be back one day!!

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